First Aid Guide for Illness & Emergencies

First Aid Guide for Illness & Emergencies


For life-threatening bleeding call 911 immediately!

Diagram 9: Compress wound with both hands over clean cloth.
Diagram 9: Compress wound with both hands over clean cloth.
Diagram 10: Tighten tourniquet 3 inches above arm or leg wound.
Diagram 10: Tighten tourniquet 3 inches above arm or leg wound.

Step 1

  • Check the scene and, if it seems safe, help the injured person. If your safety is threatened, try to remove yourself and the victim, to a safe place.

Step 2

  • Wear gloves, if available, to protect yourself.

Step 3

  • Use a Stop the Bleed® kit or Bleeding Control Kit® if you have one. Otherwise, use a clean cloth (shirt) to apply pressure.

Step 4

  • Follow the ABC’s:
    • Alert: Call 911.
    • Bleeding: Find the bleed.
    • Compress: Apply pressure to stop the bleeding. Cover the wound with a clean cloth and apply pressure by pushing directly on the cloth with both hands. (Diagram 9)

Step 5

  • If the bleeding will not stop, use a tourniquet placed and tightened 3 inches above the wound. Note what time the tourniquet is placed. Use a belt if you do not have a tourniquet. (Diagram 10)