First Aid Guide for Illness & Emergencies

First Aid Guide for Illness & Emergencies

Broken Bones, Dislocations, & Sprains

Diagram 15: Keep the head supported and in line with the spine.
Diagram 15: Keep the head supported and in line with the spine.
Diagram 16: Hold splint in place with tied cloth.
Diagram 16: Hold splint in place with tied cloth.
Diagram 17: Start wrapping below sprain towards the heart.
Diagram 17: Start wrapping below sprain towards the heart.

A Bone Break

  • Stop: Do you suspect a neck or back injury? Call 911. Do not move person, unless you must for their safety. If so, keep the head supported and in line with the spine. (Diagram 15)
  • Call 911 if there is heavy bleeding, gentle pressure causes pain, or the bone comes out through the skin. Cover an open fracture with a clean cloth.
  • Protect the area from movement. Make a splint from wooden boards or rolled newspapers. Hold the splint in place with tied cloth. (Diagram 16)
  • “Buddy tape” a broken toe to a nearby healthy toe or tape a broken finger to a nearby healthy finger.
  • Apply an ice pack for swelling. Do not apply ice if bone is sticking out of the skin.
  • For a serious broken bone, immediately go to the Emergency Room, or call 911.


  • Do not attempt to put the bone back in place. There might be a broken bone.
  • Support a dislocated joint with pillows, a rolled blanket, sling, or splint.
  • Apply an ice pack.
  • Go to your doctor, or the Emergency Room, or call 911.

Sprain (RICE)

  • Rest the injured area.
  • Ice: Apply an ice bag or cool compress covered in a towel or over a damp cloth on the joint as soon as possible. Ice for 20 minutes. Repeat this every 4 hours.
  • Compression: Wrap with an elastic bandage or elastic sleeve–not too tightly. Start wrapping below the joint and wrap towards the body. (Diagram 17)
  • Elevate the joint above the heart level. This moves fluids away from the injury.
  • For pain, take ibuprofen (Motrin®, Advil®, etc.) or acetaminophen (Tylenol®, etc.).
  • Seek medical care if pain is severe or if you suspect a broken bone.
  • Pretty easy! Just remember to RICE.